Event Terms & Conditions

Event Terms & Conditions

Last update: 15th January, 2025

These terms and conditions apply to the workshop and training event titled 'LIDER CAMP I,' taking place on May 10–11, 2025, at the facility 'Nadwarciański Gród' Training and Recreation Center, Załęcze Wielkie 89, 98-335 Pątnów, Łódź Province, organized by the Omnia pro Patria Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the 'Organizer').

The purpose of these terms and conditions is to define the rules of registration for the workshops and to ensure the safety of the event by specifying the rights and obligations of the Organizer and participants (hereinafter referred to as the 'Participant' or 'Player'), the prohibitions and requirements, the code of conduct for those attending the workshops, and the rules for using the premises and its equipment.

Participant Limit: 150, minimum participants: 70

Registration: register here

Ticket Information

Price: 140 PLN (first bulk), 160 PLN (2nd bulk). The ticket includes:

  • One day of lectures and exercises followed by a second day featuring a 9-hour field game (based on instructions provided during the first day).
  • Parking, rental of lecture rooms, coffee breaks, toilets, water, organization of a bonfire/barbecue
  • Personal accident insurance (NNW) for the entire event.
  • Fees for role-playing groups and instructors.
  • Organization of workshops and the field game scenario.
  • Training modules and sessions.

Optional Add-Ons:

  • 35 PLN/night – tent camping (connection to electricity, sanitation).
  • 80 PLN/night – resort room accommodation.
  • 35 PLN – lunch at the ZHP center restaurant.
Registration Rules
  • Age Requirement: Registration is only open to individuals 18 years or older.
  • Upon registration, payment details will be sent via email before the event.
  • Upon receiving payment details, the payment must be made within 7 days. After this period, the Participant will be removed from the list of attendees.
  • Purchasing a ticket is equivalent to accepting these terms and conditions as well as the rules of the facility where the event takes place.
  • No Refund Policy: Registration fees are non-refundable in the event of cancellation by a participant.
  • Reselling tickets is prohibited at a higher price than the original purchase amount.
  • Ticket Resale Procedure:
    • Direct Transaction: All ticket sales between participants are private transactions.
    • Seller’s Obligation: The seller must inform the Organizer via email (fundacja.propatria@gmail.com) about the sale, including the buyer's full name.
    • Buyer’s Obligation: The buyer must email the Organizer with complete details (Full Name, Nickname, Team Name, PESEL, Email, and Phone Number).
    • Organizer’s Role: Once all information is confirmed, the Organizer updates the registration and issues the ticket to the buyer.
  • The Organizer reserves the right to deny participation to any registrant without providing a reason.
  • If the event is canceled due to circumstances beyond the Organizer’s control, a new date will be set, or ticket costs will be refunded.
  • Tickets must be printed and presented during registration.
General Regulations
  • General Conduct: The regulations cannot foresee every possible situation. During the workshops, participants are expected to act with courtesy, common sense, and fairness.
  • Each player must familiarize themselves with and adhere to the event rules and game mechanics.
  • Players are fully responsible for their actions and safety.
  • By registering, you commit to the full 9-hour game duration. Play cooperatively within the established chain of command, follow orders, and complete team and group tasks. This is a team-oriented game, not an individual competition.
  • The consumption of alcohol or psychoactive substances during the event is strictly prohibited. Players under the influence will be removed from the game. The organizer reserves the right to test participants with a breathalyzer. Refusal to comply will result in removal.
  • All Players are required to comply with the provisions of the applicable Polish law and these terms and conditions.
  • By purchasing a ticket, players agree to have their likeness recorded and shared by photographers (only on platforms associated with the organizer).
  • The promotion of ideologies deemed harmful by society (including wearing patches or insignia) is prohibited.
  • Full-Contact Rule: Players are responsible for protecting themselves from injuries. Shots can be fired from any distance. Use a sidearm at close range if possible, aiming for the torso rather than the head. The 'PifPaf' rule does not apply, but silent kills are permitted.
  • Fires may only be lit in designated areas.
  • Exercise Moderators
    • Moderators will be identified by special patches or reflective vests. They oversee compliance with the rules and resolve disputes.
    • Moderators may conduct random sobriety checks or measure replica power. Non-compliance with rules can result in penalties or removal from the game.
  • Game boundaries will be marked on the map. Activities outside the boundaries are prohibited.
  • Personal vehicles must remain in the parking area. Driving personal vehicles in the game zone or delivering items to restricted areas is prohibited.
  • Players must carry reflective vests (red/orange) to indicate when they are 'dead'.
  • Eye protection must be worn at all times during the event (from the start to the end of exercises).
  • Disputes should be resolved on-site. If necessary, call a moderator. If not escalated, the dispute is considered resolved.
  • Do not litter; clean up after yourself!
  • Entering cultivated fields or young forest areas (trees up to 4 meters tall) is prohibited.
  • The organizer will provide an off-game zone for testing replicas and adjusting HOP-UPs.
  • Questions or issues during the game should be directed to the moderators.
  • Movement is only allowed on foot or with approved vehicles. The use of bicycles, ATVs, or motorcycles is prohibited.
  • Players are prohibited from recording, using, or transmitting any audio or video content from the workshops.
  • It is strictly forbidden to shoot at drones.
ASG Replica Limits and Restrictions
  • Energy limits for replicas (measured with intended BBs and HOP-UP properly set) are as follows. Cheating will result in removal from the event:
    • Sidearm/CQB: Max 1.15J; Ammo limit: 80 BBs per magazine.
    • Assault: Max 1.9J; Ammo limit: 80 BBs per magazine.
    • Support: Max 1.9J; Ammo limit: 2000 BBs per magazine (box/drum).
    • DMR: Max 2.6J; Ammo limit: 40 BBs per magazine.
    • Sniper: Max 3.4J; No ammo limit.
  • Replica Guidelines:
    • Support replicas must resemble real machine guns (minimum 6 kg, including ammunition). HP bottles are excluded unless integrated into the replica.
    • DMR must have a minimum inner barrel length of 16 inches (41 cm), bipod, and scope.
    • DMR replicas must have auto-fire disabled (mechanically or electronically).
    • Sniper replicas must be bolt-action (2-stroke or 4-stroke).
    • DMRs and snipers must carry a sidearm for engagements under 20 meters.
    • Unlimited magazines may be carried, and reloading is allowed in the field.
  • Metal, glass, or ceramic BBs are prohibited.
  • Gas-converted replicas must allow for regulator sealing. If not possible, the replica will not be allowed.
Game Mechanics
1. General information
  • Players are divided into task groups of up to 30 individuals.
  • Each group receives specific missions to complete over 9 continuous hours.
  • The game is not about winning but effectively completing tasks based on knowledge from the prior day.
2. Missions
  • Group leaders will receive mission lists.
  • The organizer sets task order and completion times.
  • Tasks are not scored but will be evaluated and commented on by the organizers.
3. Hits
  • All hits count, including hits to the backpack.
  • First hit = WOUNDED.
  • A wounded player signals the hit by raising their hand and shouting 'hit,' then falls to the ground and waits for assistance (without changing their position). They have 10 minutes to be healed. After this time, they are considered 'Dead.'
  • A wounded player does not put on a reflective vest.
  • A wounded player is severely injured and can only call for help (they cannot share any other information).
  • A wounded player cannot enter a vehicle. Healing must be performed outside the vehicle.
  • Second hit = DEAD.
  • A dead player signals the hit and puts on a reflective vest.
  • Additional Rules for Wounded Players
    • A hit to a wounded player awaiting assistance = DEAD.
    • A hit during the healing process = DEAD.
    • A hit to a previously healed player = DEAD.
    • One BB or a burst (several BBs fired in rapid succession) is counted as one hit.
  • Rules for Dead Players
    • Dead players must proceed to the designated respawn point (RESP).
    • Dead players must leave the scene of action immediately to avoid obstructing or blocking vehicles and to ensure fair gameplay for others. They should regroup at least 50 meters away from the ongoing skirmish.
  • Hit to a Replica
    • A hit to a replica eliminates the replica from the game. If the player has no backup replica, they are considered DEAD. After respawning, they return with a functioning replica.
  • Silent Kill (Stealth Elimination)
    • To perform a silent kill, the player must place both hands on the opponent’s shoulders and say 'silent kill' or 'you’re dead' (resulting in the opponent being DEAD).
    • The use of melee weapons or similar objects to simulate a silent kill is prohibited.
  • Items Held by Dead Players
    • A dead player must leave any in-game items they were carrying at the location where they were eliminated.
4. Respawn
  • No traditional respawn points. Resurrections will occur via MEDEVAC or as directed by moderators.
  • Details will be provided in pre-game workshops.
5. Medical Rules
  • Each player must carry a practice tourniquet, which must be properly applied to a limb by another player.
  • Players can self-heal using their tourniquet.
  • Each player can only be healed once. Subsequent hits result in death.
  • Without a tourniquet, players may be healed with an individual tactical dressing but cannot self-apply it.
6. Vehicles
  • Polish road laws apply in-game.
  • Vehicles must be marked by the organizer.
  • Speed limit: 30 km/h.
  • Vehicles must stay on roads unless avoiding obstacles.
  • Pedestrians intentionally blocking vehicles are considered 'Dead.'
  • Shooting into or out of cabins is prohibited.
  • Shooting at vehicles without designated firing positions is prohibited.
  • Open truck beds (e.g., pickups) are treated as firing positions. Players may fire from and at these areas.
  • Players exiting a vehicle may only begin shooting after placing both feet on the ground.
  • Transporting players outside of vehicles is not prohibited, but it is at the discretion of the driver and players. The organizer discourages this behavior, but players in such situations can be shot.
  • Vehicles may be used as cover. Players can take shelter behind them, fire from cover, etc.
  • An 'active' vehicle with a live driver can block roads.
  • The maximum power for replicas used to fire from a vehicle is 1.9J. This applies to both mounted replicas and those carried by players in the open truck bed.
  • A mounted turret gun is impervious to hits. It is subject to magazine ammunition limits.
  • Players may fire over the sides of a truck bed but must avoid 'blind firing' (shooting without a clear line of sight).
6.1 Vehicle Destruction
  • Vehicles can be destroyed using RPG launchers, grenades, and bombsticks provided by the organizer.
  • RPGs (modeled after paintball markers) fire single shots, with a mandatory 15-second cooldown between shots.
  • A hit to the front windshield is required to destroy a vehicle, and the paintball must leave a visible mark (paint) on the windshield to count.
  • Grenades (tennis ball-like objects) can destroy vehicles if they hit the front windshield or are thrown into the gunner position or open truck bed. These grenades are reusable and will be supplied by the organizer, marked accordingly.
  • All individuals inside or on the vehicle at the time of its destruction are considered 'Dead.'
  • Destroyed vehicles must be marked by turning on hazard lights and placing a reflective vest on the left side mirror.
7. Pyrotechnics
  • It is strictly prohibited to possess explosives, pyrotechnic products, substances with similar effects, or any materials that pose a fire hazard.
  • Only pyrotechnics provided by the Organizer may be used.
Removal from the Event
  • Failure to comply with the terms and conditions will result in the loss of the right to participate in the event and voluntary or enforced removal from the event premises.
  • Due to the paramilitary nature of the field game, the participant acknowledges and accepts that participation involves a risk of potential losses, property damage, or personal injury, for which the organizer bears no responsibility.
  • The participant assumes full responsibility for their personal belongings and any damage resulting from their actions or negligence during the workshops.
  • The organizer is not liable for damages to participants' property caused by reasons beyond their control, including but not limited to force majeure, actions of third parties, or the participant themselves.
Personal Data Processing
  • By registering for the workshops, participants consent to the processing of their personal data, including name, surname, date of birth, email address, and mobile phone number, solely for the purpose of organizing the event. (Names, surnames, and dates of birth are required to arrange personal accident insurance.)
  • The organizer will retain participants’ personal data only for the duration of the event.
Terms and Conditions Changes
  • The organizer reserves the right to make adjustments and changes to the terms and conditions or the mechanics of the event (no later than 10 days before the event) if necessary. Participants will be informed of any changes. Such changes do not constitute grounds for ticket refunds.

Have questions? Get in touch with us!
Email: fundacja.propatria@gmail.com
Facebook: HQ Olimp
Discord: HQ Olimp

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